Making the Decision

The benefits of right-sizing for older adults

It’s the entryway into the American dream – a home, a mortgage, a yard with a fence and hydrangeas blooming in the shade. Houses are now becoming harder to afford in many U.S. counties, so anyone who has put 20% down on a house and paid it off should feel proud to sit atop a lifetime of equity. The idea of right-sizing might seem counterintuitive, but right sizing can provide many benefits to older adults and their families. Read on for just a sampling of those benefits.

Less stress

Right-sizing can help you rescale so you no longer have to wrestle with the burden of home maintenance. In a senior living community, all of that work is taken care of for you, so you spend every day doing the things that bring you joy, whether that might be painting, playing cards or visiting with friends and family.

A safe lifestyle

One of the burdens of living at home is that it may become unsafe. A rambling, multilevel corner house where your kids grew up can now seem intimidatingly vast once those kids move out – and if you need to climb those stairs, the risk of a fall or an injury might go up. Right-sizing can help you move into a new space that’s more accessible and better suited to your needs and level of mobility.

 An organized space

Live in a house for thirty years and it’s easy to fill up hundreds of bankers’ boxes of memorabilia – letters, wedding photos, toddler rocking chairs. You’ll want to keep some of those things. But right sizing can help you rescale so you have just what you need. Throwing out clutter that piles up in rooms can help you rediscover the clarity that comes from living in a simple, organized space.

The benefit of senior living communities

When older adults are ready to right size, many of them choose to move into a senior living community like Atria, which provides all of the benefits that we’ve already mentioned – and more. Contact us today to learn why Atria might be the right option for you.

If you or someone you know wants to learn more about Atria, visit to discover the location nearest you.